Part 2 of a new series of narrations taken from Geoffrey of Monmouth’s twelfth century classic ‘The History of the Kings of Britain’. The book covers all the notable characters in British history from Brutus through Arthur to Cadwallader, the last of the Britonic kings who gave way to the Saxons.
In this episode Brutus spends the night in a temple to Diana and receives a vision, telling him to sail west until he finds a lush and fertile island from which he will start a world empire. When he finally gets there with his band of merry adventurers, they discover it to be occupied by giants who like to wrestle. Corineus who gave his name to Cornwall, throws one of them off a cliff and the place has kept the name to this day of ‘Gogmagog’s Leap’.
Narrated by Sven Longshanks
Aryan Narrations: Diana Prophesies to Brutus – HOB 071817
The History of the Kings of Britain will be back on Radio Aryan tomorrow at 12pm EDT/5pm BST
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