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Truth Will Out Radio: Debunking the Debunker –TWOR 072117

twor 072117

Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise are back with a new episode of Truth Will Out Radio, this week looking at a recent attempt made at debunking ‘Adolf Hitler – The Greatest Story Never Told’. The debunker, who has a Jewish sounding name, goes through a list of ten points that he thinks are not true which Sven and Dennis counter by offering further sources to confirm them. 

The conversation starts with the reasons why the Versailles treaty was so untenable, why the Communist uprising cannot be compared to the beer hall pusch and why it was still a Jewish uprising even if it did have a gentile puppet at the front. After that we get the reasons why Hitler can be credited with the economic miracle and not Hjalmar Schacht, how it was his idea that the German people were the real wealth of the nation that lay behind the new way of looking at the economy and the resulting increase in prosperity.

Next the debunker asks for proof that Jews controlled the movies and the banks in Germany, when that is still true in America today! You only have to hear them boasting about it to prove that one. After questioning Hitler’s compassion towards Jews and why he invaded Poland, he then tries to belittle Hitler’s many peace offers and the disgusting treatment of the Germans after the war. Dennis points out that this treatment can all be traced back to the Morgenthau plan, which was signed up to be the allies and laid out as an agenda to exterminate Germany completely.

It is doubted that the debunker will listen to the points Dennis raises, but at least one Leftist Stalin lover had the courage to debate him online and is now hiding away offline licking his wounds.

Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise

Truth Will Out Radio: Debunking the Debunker –TWOR 072117


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