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Albion Narrations: William Barnes on England and Englishness – AN 081717


William Barnes was a teacher, a priest, a patriot and a poet. He was very concerned with what he saw as the Norman replacement of Saxon English with Latinisms and French words and he set about trying to return the language to it’s Alfredian roots. These two narrations are taken from the book ‘The Rebirth of England and Englishness – The Vision of William Barnes’ and they include quotes from the man himself and what others have said about him.

It is important to preserve the language we have, as we can then see where our words evolved from and understand the different way of looking at things that our ancestors had. If our own natural language is replaced by too much Latin and French, then it excludes many of us from being able to take part in the conversation when it concerns science and technology. This is something we take for granted as being too complicated today, but back in the 19th century it was a genuine concern that the lower classes were being excluded by our own language.

Narrated by Sven Longshanks

Aryan Narrations: William Barnes on England and Englishness – AN 081717


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