Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson explains what ‘fascism’ really is and why it came about in this week’s episode of The Orthodox Nationalist. The modern left realizes that their positions of power are based solely on their gender, ideology and/or skin color. This is why they are where they are. Why then concern yourself with knowledge? The term "fascism" is used as a political curse word. Those using it have no idea what it means or where it comes from. They merely project all they dislike onto this scapegoat and hurl it at opponents. This broadcast will offer a general outline of the doctrines of fascism from the 1920s and 1930s and stresses that the state, above all institutions, is the keystone of the movement. Most of the third world will fall generally under a "fascist" government at one point or another. Fascism makes sense only when its origin is understood. It developed as a reaction to the collapse of morals in Europe after World War I and the rise of the USSR. The broader point is that American "debate" has become so debased, so anti-intellectual and so tightly controlled that even educated writers use these terms without understanding. Public ignorance on these topics is so great that few can correct the erring. Few will understand anyway. As it stands, fascism is a rational system of thought and economics very common in the 20th century. It is not particularly bad. It must, however, be understood in its context, but context doesn't sell papers very well. Presented by Matt Johnson The Orthodox Nationalist: Fascism and the Decay of Political Debate – TON 200318