Dennis Wise talks to Sven Longshanks about Jehovah’s Witnesses, flat earth conspiracy theories and the Black Sun, as he answers questions and comments from his channel. Dennis’ Fatima video can actually be seen in Britain and there were lots of questions to be answered this week, including technical questions such as what video editing software he uses and how people can still access his work when Youtube bans it. The two hosts also discuss Jehovah’s Witnesses and how they operate as a secret intelligence gathering unit and why Hitler banned them in Germany. Putin comes up in the conversation and whether or not he is a Freemason, as well as the allegation that Russia has already been consecrated to the Sacred Heart. Other holocausts besides the holocaust are brought up, such as the Armenian genocide and the Holodomor and the reason why they are never talked about. Dennis also gives his views on Ben Klassen and Jews in Asia, while Sven explains the imagery of the Black Sun and why bad things happen to good people, as well as bad. Presented by Sven Longshanks and Dennis Wise Truth Will Out Radio: Why Bad Things Happen to Good People – TWOR 110218