Britain is named after the Trojan King Brutus, who fled Troy after the war. He was told by the goddess Diana in a dream to colonize the White isle and found an empire that would be destined to continue for all time. Brutus built the first city to stand on the banks of the Thames and named it Caer Troia – New Troy. The stone where he first set foot on the island is still standing at Totness in Devon. This history was known by all from the earliest times and has been confirmed by the discovery of the ruins of Troy. Yet most English speaking people nowadays are unaware of it. This summary of the life of Brutus comes from The British Kymry, or Britons of Cambria: Outlines of Their History and Institutions, from the Earliest to the Present Time and was compiled by RW Morgan in 1857. Narrated by Sven Longshanks Aryan Narrations 2015: Hero King Brutus and his Britons