Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson looks at the truth behind the propaganda stories of the Russo-Japanese war of 1904, that led to violent Leftist attacks in 1906. From 1904 to the Fall of 1905, Japan – backed by Britain – fought Russia in the Far East, specifically in Manchuria, very close to the North Korean border today. Universally, Anglo-American history books call this a defeat for Russia. It was not. It was a defeat for Japan. Japanese losses were massive, far greater than the Russian. The Russian army lost not a single battle. The Japanese commander at Port Arthur, Gen. Maresuke Nogi, killed himself in humiliation for his defeat. Its a classic case where the media invented reality. The result was violent, leftist attacks in Petersburg and Moscow, leading to the reforms of 1905-1906, all based on absolutely nothing but media lies. Like after the Crimean War, a draw, not a western victory, the press invented a story that the “backwards Tsarist regime” suffered a “humiliating defeat.” None of these stories were true, but even in 2020, highly paid academics, experts in “Russia studies,” will report these myths as if they know anything. Presented by Matt Johnson The Orthodox Nationalist: The Myths of the Russo-Japanese War Part I – TON 010820
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