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The Daily Nationalist: Disinfo on Both Sides – DN 040120

Sven Longshanks exposes some disinformation by conspiracy theorists and the establishment, before looking at a new ‘youth’ challenge in Sweden and the corona powers act in Britain.

Some people are saying corona is just a type of flu, but the flu figures for New York disprove this.

The government have been saying we do not need masks, but a newly released study confirms that we do need masks and the virus is airborne.

In Sweden and Ireland ‘youths’ have been caught coughing and spitting on the elderly while claiming to have the virus.

In Britain concerns have been raised about the huge potential for abuse of the ‘emergency’ new police powers, which will actually be in place for 2 years.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: Disinfo on Both Sides – DN 040120


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