Mark Collett and No White Guilt are joined by Devon Stack also known as Black Pilled for this week’s episode.
Mark begins by explaining his warning to Nationalists not to attend counter-demonstrations to BLM, as it is far better they be allowed to continue showing their true colours.
Black Pilled is the author of ‘Day of the Rope’ and is well known for his humorous Instagram posts and Youtube channel.
He is used to deconstructing entertainment for it’s hidden messages as well as analysing political commentary.
Devon runs through the previous celebrity victims BLM have rioted for, who always turn out to be the worst examples of humanity possible.
Everyone wants to blame the cop, but if George had not resisted arrest he would still be alive, just like those arrested with him are.
Trump has let his base down with his weak response to the riots and there is no chance of him winning Black votes by pandering to them.
If the cop had been Black, nobody would have even heard of this incident, it is all about stirring up hatred of White people.
Presented by Mark Collett and No White Guilt
Patriotic Weekly Review: Black Pilled – PWR 061020
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