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The Daily Nationalist: Refugee Pattern Recognition – DN 062920

Sven Longshanks looks at 3 high profile refugee atrocities within a week, the blackwashing of Jesus and the sacking of a charity director from his own charity.

Stabbings in Reading, stabbings in Scotland and a guilty verdict for an ISIS plot to massacre Germans were all associated with refugees in Britain last week.

Shaun King the trans-racial Black activist is demanding images of Christ be replaced with Arab ones, seemingly unaware that countries within the Roman and Alexandrian empires were originally White.

Nick Buckley MBE has been sacked from his own charity for speaking the truth about BLM and refusing to back down. The charity itself helps mainly non-White youths avoid turning to a life of crime.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: Refugee Pattern Recognition – DN 062920


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