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The Daily Nationalist: The Trafalgar Square Freedom Protest – DN 083120

Sven Longshanks looks at the Freedom protest, the BLM Million Person march and what Scotland’s new hate crime bill could mean for Bible owners.

According to the organiser’s figures 35,000 protested on Saturday in London against the lockdown and with only one corona death in the whole of the UK on Sunday they would appear to be right in that aspect.

Also at the weekend was the BLM march that only managed to rally 300 people, most of them White women. This shows a radical reversal in support for this anti-White movement and the same is happening in America.

In Scotland an Atheist group has signalled their intention to use the new hate crime bill to target all owners of religious books, since it could make it an offence to own a Bible.

Presented by Sven Longshanks

The Daily Nationalist: The Trafalgar Square Freedom Protest – DN 083120


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