Sarah Dye and Laura Towler join Mark Collett and No White Guilt for a new episode of Patriotic Weekly Review.
Sarah is an organic farmer and home-schooler who began as a supporter of left wing ideas, before changing her views when she realised she had been lied to about history and saw White children around her being indoctrinated with LGBTQ ideologies
A private conversation was leaked that showed she was a member of Identity Europa and a campaign of terror was launched against her family, including blood being thrown around her mail box, credible threats of violence, physical harassment and town hall meetings condemning her.
Customers were physically prevented from buying her goods by antifa and when the authorities were called, the local mayor closed down the entire market replacing it with a private one excluding Sarah. He even went so far as to make public statements condemning Sarah’s farm for her personal views, when it was one of the best farms in the state.
Presented by Mark Collett and No White Guilt
Patriotic Weekly Review: Sarah Dye and Laura Towler – PWR 012721
Patriotic Weekly Review will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 2pm EDT/7pm BST.
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