Mark Collett and Jason Kohne are joined by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson for a new episode of Patriotic Weekly Review.

Matt had connection problems, despite having a ‘fast’ internet connection so the show had to continue without him.

The first issue covered was Olympians claiming they have mental health problems and retiring, when they don’t do as well as they hoped.

After that Mark and Jason discuss a grooming gang victim who was forced to marry her abuser under-age, with her social worker watching on as a witness.

Essex Police and their pledge to recruit 50% non-Whites is also highlighted and how this policy displaces White applicants.

Presented by Mark Collett and Jason Kohne

Patriotic Weekly Review: Matthew Raphael Johnson – PWR 072821


Patriotic Weekly Review will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 2pm EDT/7pm BST.
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