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PA Monthly Update: October – PA 103121

Mark Collett and Laura Towler host a post-conference monthly update stream.

The conference was the largest of its kind this century and against all odds, was a resounding success.

Two hundred and fifty Nationalists had a great day out listening to speeches in a beautiful Mansion House and a wonderful evening together in the Cumbrian county town of Kendal.

This was the first time we have all been able to meet like this since the week before the Covid lockdown, so it was a very moving occasion and the sun came out for the afternoon too.

This month we also had our harvest festival outreach project, which saw over one hundred food hampers gifted to organisations for the needy all over the country.

The regional groups have all been busy with far too many activities to include them all, including leafletting, banner drops and protests, plus camping, barbecuing, private dining, litter picking and indigenous cultural pursuits.

Find out more about Patriotic Alternative HERE 

Presented by Mark Collett and Laura Towler

PA Monthly Update: October – PA 103121


The Patriotic Alternative Podcasts conference speeches will be on Radio Albion Monday and Tuesday this week.
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