Use of music does not imply endorsement by the musicians of our views, or us of theirs
New Nationalist tunes and other independent releases from the European genres.
Ancestryl starts with victorious retro-trance from the early nineties, before Lyde comes in sounding like a mix between the best of Xurious and Elessar.
Mythical Vigilante returns with a nod to his earlier ‘Crockett’s Theme’ and a dub influence, while Stratos Zero takes us back to the early rave era with a ‘spot the original tune’ outing.
Control Panel keep the fires burning with a disco bassline, before Feindnah ease us into the RAC with a gothic intro and hardcore middle.
Stimmen de Ostkuste get into a NY punk vibe with a bit of AC/DC at the beginning, moving softly into Harpyie’s sharpened style of folk rock.
Neoheresy are treble heavy and hypnotic with lots of orchestration going on,, while Riitasointu get into some bluesy black n roll with characteristic Finnish vocals.
Duir begin with powerful organ chords, pipes and plenty of time changes, leading us into the epic atmospheric black metal of Eisflammens with vocal echoing between the mountain peaks.
Veralisa finishes the show with acoustic guitar and emotional female vocals.
Ancestryl, Control Panel, Mythical Vigilante – Soundcloud
Duir, Eisflammen, Lyde, Neoheresy – Self Released
Feindnah – PC Records
Harpyie – Metalville
Riitasointu – Naturemacht Productions
Stimmen de Ostkste – OPOS Records
Вералиса –
01:02 Ancestryl - We Stand Sentinel - NEW
06:52 Lyde – Resurgence - NEW
11:55 Mythical Vigilante – Xerox - NEW
15:52 Stratos Zero – 1993 - NEW
19:29 Control Panel - Cassetter - Dark Matter – NEW
24:08 Feindnah – Scherbenmensch
28:40 Stimmen de Ostkuste – Freiwilliger – NEW
32:57 Harpyie – Dunkelschwarz – NEW
38:08 Neoheresy - Nadzieja Która Stała się Karłem – NEW
45:09 Riitasointu - Kätköhön Mullan
52:06 Duir - Sentieri non Tracciati – NEW
59:14 Eisflammen - Under the Onslaught of Will – NEW
11:50 Вералиса - Русский Щит – NEW
Presented Sven Longshanks
Sven Longshanks: Audio Insurgency 188 – AAI 021722
The Audio Insurgency will be back on Radio Albion Thursday at 3pm EDT/8pm GMT.
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