Sven Longshanks takes a look at Sweden’s gang problem and the origins of it.
A mother and small child were shot in a playground on Friday in Sweden, likely as a result of gang violence.
Out of Sweden’s 32 gangs, only one gang leader has one Swedish born parent, meaning all are led by newcomers to the country.
Nine tenths of Sweden’s fatal shooting suspects also come from a migrant background.
Gone are the days when the only gang problem Sweden had was White biker gangs who had rules and codes that they lived by.
Sweden’s gang and gun problems have been caused by the government’s immigration policy and love for multiculturalism, but it seems only the Police are aware of it and are suggesting deportation as the solution.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Guns and Gangs in Sweden – DN 082922
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