Use of music does not imply endorsement by the musicians of our views, or us of theirs
From a classical suite to symphonic black metal, with plenty of Nationalist artists highlighting a variety of European genres along the way.
Andrei Moissejev begins with a sublime opening piece written for full orchestra, followed Julia Juls’ getting into a groove with some patriotic R and B.
Ghost of Centralia gets on a world music buzz with a jazz influence and PhonkaGiga mines the nineties electro scene for beats and breaks.
Opera Multi Steel blend mediaeval industrial with Gothic harmonies and DreamReaper takes us into the modern world with an up tempo cyberpunk number.
Moris Blak and Rabbit Junk add metal song structure to house beats and VVOV goes full synth metal aggrotech to seamlessly move us into the rock section.
Heidevolk play guitar based folk metal with great Dutch harmonising and Wolfenmord add a sharpened edge with unmistakably German vocals and bagpipes.
Malice Divine starts with a thrasharound and moves into blast beats, contrasting with the soaring melodies of Eldkling’s Norwegian power metal.
Meshchera use eerie strings and female vocals with atmoblack metal and The Design Abstract take the best from every genre and mould it into epic melodic sci-fi black metal.
Moongates Guardian plays mediaeval symphonic black metal with opera influences and Hiraeth finishes up humming, whispering and calling over acoustic alt-rock.
Andrei Moissejev, Ghost of Centralia, Hiraeth – Youtube
Julia Juls – Sub Version Production
PhonkaGiga – Will2Rise (Telegram)
Opera Multi Steel – Wave Records
DreamReaper, Malice Divine, Мещера, Moongates Guardian – Self Produced
Moris Blak – SHVDOW Records
VVOV – Self Produced
Heidevolk – Napalm Records
Wolfenmord – Trisol
Eldkling –
The Design Abstract – Sliptrick Records
01:27 Andrei Moissejev – What Had Once Been Void Was Become a Realm of Magick and Mystery
12:47 Julia Juls – Spieglein
16:16 Ghost of Centralia - Kool Katz Smoke Breakz
21:10 PhonkaGiga – Vitality
24:01 Opera Multi Steel - A La Messe ou aux Vèpres
29:11 DreamReaper - Physical 100
32:10 Moris Blak - House Of The Fallen Suns with Rabbit Junk (House Edit)
36:59 VVOV - Nature's Nightmare
40:27 Heidevolk - Drink met de Goden (Walhalla)
45:42 Wolfenmord – Feuerberg
48:55 Malice Divine - Everlasting Ascendancy
57:23 Eldkling - End of Eternity
01:51 Мещера - В Неведомых Топях
06:17 The Design Abstract - Degradation of the Sacrosanct
13:07 Moongates Guardian – II
20:57 Hiraeth – Hallowed in Time
Produced by Sven Longshanks
Sven Longshanks: Audio Insurgency 238 – AAI 030923
The Audio Insurgency will be back on Radio Albion Thursday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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