Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson deals with the creation of the Norwegian nation under its founder, St. Olav II Haraldsson (995-1030).
Norway was created in two sides of the world: under St. Yaroslav of Novgorod and Cnut of the Danes and English. Partially under Swedish control, Cnut's North Sea Empire gave those like St. Olav the ability to carve out an independent state based on canon law, justice and equity that the unstable Viking world was incapable of creating.
The Norwegian nation embraced civilized literacy and natural law only under the pro-Russian influence of its founder. As the “pagan” sects of the old Viking elite took on a more Asiatic and Judaic coloring at the turn of the millennium, this decrepit system was soon toppled under the well financed forces of Olav.
For his efforts, he was canonized a single year after his death, in 1031, as Bishop Grimkell (Grimketel), the missionary bishop from England, discovered his year old body incorrupt.
Presented by Dr Matthew Raphael Johnson
The Orthodox Nationalist: St Olav of Norway – TON 060822
The Orthodox Nationalist will be back on Radio Albion Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm GMT.
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