Use of music does not imply endorsement by the musicians of our views, or us of theirs
Sven Longshanks introduces music with a European aesthetic by White artists from the various alternative scenes.
Jed Rabid begins with Biden scare-mongering and minimal industrial beats, followed by Mythical Vigilante exhorting people to open their eyes with a funky electro track.
AKMV-18 keeps the kick-drum, adding a Daft Punk influence and even some slap bass, while Amalec changes the pitch and tempo of the Olivia Key anthem of the summer.
Modernicide gets jazzy with a drum and bass cut, before Ectoplague raids the horror movie collection for darksynth melody ideas.
Chaos Vector blends dark electro with cyberpunk, while Eminentia Tenebris not to be outdone goes for a blackgaze crossover with bouncy retro synths.
Letzte Instanz sharpen up the production quality with crunchy riffs and jolly strings, followed by RAC stalwarts Machte und Ehre’s growling vocals and lead guitar licks.
For Null and The Great Order could be Robert Plant making a comeback, while Bornholm go for viking choruses and a surprisingly fleshed out sound for a power trio.
Nidhoeger start with staccato drums before adding brass and clear vocals, contrasting with the majestic instrumental twiddlings of Breath of Wind.
Velesar hit the stage with flutes, fiddles, drums and everything electric in between before Jack Hwite winds it all down with a banjo ballad to finish.
Amalec, AKMV-18, Chaos Vector, For Null, Modernicide II, Mythical Vigilante – Soundcloud
Bornholm – Napalm Records
Breath of Wind, Ectoplague, Eminentia Tenebris, Velesar – Self Released
Jack Hwite – Youtube
Letzte Instanz – AFM Records
Macht and Ehre – Das Zeughaus
Nidhoeger –
01:07 Jed Rabid Remix - Sunny Obedient – Decimated - NEW
05:51 Mythical Vigilante - Cant You See - NEW
09:57 AKMV-18 - Vita Est Militia Super Terram - NEW
16:44 Amalec - Olivia Key – Heroes - NEW
21:30 Modernicide II – Artichoke - NEW
24:27 Ectoplague - The Crimson Eclipse - NEW
30:11 Chaos Vector Remix - Hocico – Broken Empires – NEW
35:07 Eminentia Tenebris - The Unknown Path (Into the Stronghold) – NEW
41:43 Letzte Instanz - Ehrenwort – NEW
46:06 Macht and Ehre - Der Tod Im Labor – NEW
50:12 For Null and the Great Order - Eye to Eye – NEW
54:38 Bornholm - Spiritual Warfare – NEW
59:36 Nidhoeger - Rise And Fall – NEW
05:06 Breath of Wind - Coast III – NEW
11:57 Velesar - Ognie Swaroga – NEW
17:22 Jack Hwite – Solitaire - NEW – NEW
Presented by Sven Longshanks
Sven Longshanks: Audio Insurgency 179 – AAI 112521
The Audio Insurgency will be back on Radio Albion Thursday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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