Mark Collett and No White Guilt welcome Ralph Right Reaction to Patriotic Weekly Review.
Ralph is an Indian Anglophile with British citizenship, who does not want to see Whites replaced and is concerned that those who speak up about this are silenced.
From travelling around the world he sees that it is only Whites who are welcoming other races into their homelands and handing over their heritage to them.
Ralph sees the problems we have today as stemming from the enlightenment and the questioning of fundamental values that came with it.
Mark brings up Pritti Patel and how she has been made the face of the new migration restrictions to deflect accusations of ‘racism’.
These restrictions do not go anywhere near far enough and appear to just be an attempt at avoiding a Nationalist political revival.
Whites are often found advocating for other races, but it is rare that this happens the other way around.
Presented by Mark Collett and No White Guilt
Patriotic Weekly Review: Ralph Right Reaction – PWR 021920
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