Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade look at the craze for inter-racial adoption and the harm that has been caused by it.
A Youtube e-celeb is in the news for deciding to ‘re-home’ her adopted Chinese child. The poor child is autistic and never should have been torn from his own extended family of Chinamen in the first place.
There may be some genuine lovely people out there who just want to improve a child’s life, but the fact inter-racial adoption is an option for them shows they have little understanding of nature or the world they live in.
More common are the virtue signallers like this woman who are so selfish and small minded they would ignore the facts anyway, just so they could appear anti-racist and trendy with a diverse ‘family’.
Presented by Sven Longshanks and Grandpa Lampshade
The Daily Nationalist: Inter-Racial Adoption – DN 052920
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