Sven Longshanks looks at a response from Rwanda against left wing smears and the good news from France regarding the National Rally.
An advisor to the President of Rwanda has hit back against left wing activists seeking to prevent asylum seekers and economic migrants from travelling to his country.
He alleges that racism may be behind this, along with vested interests in charities, NGO’s lawyers etc who rely on the illegal immigrant crisis for their existence.
Marine LePen’s National Rally have had their biggest win ever in the election, going from 8 seats last time to 89 seats this time.
This makes NR the largest opposition party in France, with a coalition of Left and Green providing the majority opposition.
President Macron will have to move to the right if he wants to get anything done, as he also lost his outright majority.
Presented by Sven Longshanks
The Daily Nationalist: Rwanda Responds – DN 062122
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