Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt look at the evidence for Odin being a historical king.
Odin married the daughter of a British king around 250AD and his descendants became the royal families of Sweden and Denmark, as well as the Saxon kings.
The family tree can be traced back to Priam the king of Troy and David the king of Israel.
The Aseir or ‘men of Asia’ came into Europe from the Black Sea and the Eddas appear to give an accurate report of the migration of the Scythian tribes into Europe where they became the Goths and the Saxons.
Notes for this episode can be found HERE
Presented by Sven Longshanks, TruthVids and PatriArt
Patriotic History: Odin and His People II – PH 091622
Patriotic History will be back on Radio Albion next Friday at 3pm EDT/8pm BST.
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