Use of music does not imply endorsement by the musicians of our views, or us of theirs
Loads of new tunes in this week’s selection, from Lithuania to Russia and from Ethno-Ambient to National Socialist Black Metal, tonight’s trip round the world of pro-White and passive-White music is guaranteed to keep your head nodding.
Cyberthing begins with a slow stomper and plenty of retro noises paving the way for a new release from Elessar, up-tempo minimalist synthwave building on the new style that he set with his last track.
Gavno FM88 has a melancholic epic for us based around a seventies style organ riff that sounds almost like early Genesis or Pink Floyd playing with a drum machine, very tranquilising.
Halindir keeps coming up with new ideas for his DistoDisco series, distorted organ begins this one before a theremin like flute melody takes the lead over the electric shaman’s trance drumming.
True Aggression have a new album out full of US style punk belters with catchy choruses, watch out for the bass guitar harmonies on this one.
Sokyra Peruna take folk metal to another level with their anthem ‘Glory to the Heroes’ this must be the highlight of their set when they play it live.
Volksblut have a bit of a Killers feel about them, melodic ballad rock making good use of male and female vocals for contrast while Luger from Serbia are going for balls to the wall metal mayhem on their offering.
British band Encircling Wolves are using plenty of effects on the vocals and showing a Black Sabbath influence in between the chainsaw guitars and pneumatic-drill drumming sections.
Der Oberberger have an early eighties metal sound with plenty of Thin Lizzy style guitar harmonies while Lemovice are taking more of an experimental approach with their instrumental head nodder ‘Outro’.
Antica Tradizione play traditional piano based rock with that distinctive Italian vocal flavour contrasting nicely with and highlighting Ex Umbra in Solem’s Viking vocal chants and kick drums.
Liholesie’s masterful remix of traditional Russian instruments and Nordic myth finishes the week’s selection of new Nationalist world music.
Cyberthing, Gavno FM88, Liholesie and Halindir are at Soundcloud
Elessar, Luger, Encircling Wolves and Antica Tradizione are at Youtube
True Aggression, Volksblut, Der Oberberger, Lemovice and Ex Umbra in Solem are at 88.nsm
00:34 Cyberthing – Legal Carnage – NEW
03:46 Elessar – The Mountain – NEW
07:34 Gavno FM88 – West Gone – NEW
18:02 Halindir - Buubdurub - DistoDisco XXIV - NEW
22:10 True Aggression - Solange du Noch Atmest - NEW
24:47 Sokyra Peruna – Glory to the Heroes
30:32 Volksblut - Unser Nachruf – NEW
35:16 Luger – Srbija Danas – NEW
38:42 Encircling Wolves – Forged by Finite Wisdom – NEW
43:35 Der Oberberger – Cheruskergeist - NEW
48:23 Lemovice – Outro – NEW
51:05 Antica Tradizione – Dominique Venner – NEW
54:44 Ex Umbra in Solem - Sonnenwendfeuer gib uns Kraft - NEW
00:12 Liholesie/Heather Wasteland – Tre Sverd (Liholesie remix) – NEW
Presented by Eternal Reich
Eternal Reich: Audio Insurgency 56 – ER 060519
Eternal Reich's Audio Insurgency will be back on Radio Aryan next Wednesday at 4pm EDT/9pm BST
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