Mark Collett is joined by Risen and Irish Rose to discuss the homosexual agenda in Ireland, the history of Irish Nationalism and why the country got caught up in Marxism.
Children under the age of five are being taught sexual activities, that there are more genders than two and that people can be whatever sex they choose.
LGBTQ activists have been given managerial roles in the government departments responsible for education.
Parents who refuse to have their children brainwashed like this way may have their children stolen from them by the state.
Justin Barratt’s National Party are the only party speaking out against it, the revolutionary Irish parties are all supportive of it.
One reason for this could be Ireland’s distance from the French revolution and the after effects from it.
Presented by Mark Collett, Patrick Slattery and No White Guilt, with Risen and Irish Rose
Patriotic Weekly Review: Risen and Irish Rose - PWR 112719
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